Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disease is characterized by periods of depression that alternate with periods of mania or hyperactivity.  During an active phase of mania, we do no administer ketamine.  If however, the person who suffers with bipolar disease is experiencing depression (see section on depression), the treatments we offer may be beneficial.

It is estimated that 15 million Americans adults per year suffer with depression.  One in tendon Americans suffer with depression at some point in their life.  10% of adolescents and 30% of college students suffered depression.

AND, 80% of Americans that have symptoms of clinical depression are not receiving any specific treatment.

If you have been fortunate enough to find a treatment and a lifestyle that work well for you, without significant side effects, then by all means continue with you are doing now.

If however, you have not found a successful treatment and lifestyle to lift you.out of your depression, then the treatments offered in our clinic may be helpful for you.

We begin with ketamine infusions, usually one or two over 3-5 days.  The ketamine infusions are a safe, enjoyable experience, monitored closely by our staff.  For most people, ketamine rapidly reduces or eliminates symptoms of depression.

In our model of treatment, this alleviation of symptoms gives people a window of opportunity to engage in other healthy practices that may support long-term remission of the depression.  These practices may include some or all of the following: Chinese medicine herbs administered by mouth or with foot soaks; acupuncture; exercise, including meditation, breathwork, massage; creative art practices, and introducing new foods into your diet.  Wherever possible, these other practices are encouraged in both individual and community setting.  The community settings are important to minimize the unhealthy effects of isolation.